Ash Dargan is an indigenous Australian didgeridoo player and recording artist. His music is a great combination of contemporary world beats and traditional didgeridoo playing styles. His live performances are very diverse and engaging including his presentation of "Territory", a multi media journey into the mythological world of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia
Kennett Square/West Chester County area
To schedule or request individual or small group workshops and lessons with ASH DARGAN
Contact: Jessie
PHONE: 610.444.6333 jessiecocks@comcast.net
July 12th, 2008
Nederland, CO - West of Boulder, CO
Benefit Concert to support Grandmother Moon and Shooting Star Lodges
Levels: $45/$55/$65
Registration: Marie at 303-258-9263
or e-mail: grandmothermoonlodge@earthlink.net
July or August, 2008
Ft. Collins, CO
Date TBA
IN NATURE , new live solo performance
Friday Evening “After Hours” Courtyard Concerts
Ft Collins Museum, 5-7 p.m.
2—Mathews St. ( 2 blocks from Old Town, In Library Square)
Info and tickets: kdoyle@fcgov.com or call 970.221.9768
If you want to catch this master didgeridoo performer live here are Ash Dargan's live dates for summer 2008.
June 26 - June 30, 2008June 24, 2008
Washington, DC
"Pacific Night", A Gala hosted by The Australian Enbassy at The National Geographic Society
ASH DARGAN's "TERRITORY: Journeys into Aboriginal Dreamtime"
Embassy of Australia
1601 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036
PH: 202.797.3383
Washington, DC
"Pacific Night", A Gala hosted by The Australian Enbassy at The National Geographic Society
ASH DARGAN's "TERRITORY: Journeys into Aboriginal Dreamtime"
Embassy of Australia
1601 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036
PH: 202.797.3383
Kennett Square/West Chester County area
To schedule or request individual or small group workshops and lessons with ASH DARGAN
Contact: Jessie
PHONE: 610.444.6333 jessiecocks@comcast.net
Nederland, CO - West of Boulder, CO
Benefit Concert to support Grandmother Moon and Shooting Star Lodges
Levels: $45/$55/$65
Registration: Marie at 303-258-9263
or e-mail: grandmothermoonlodge@earthlink.net
July or August, 2008
Ft. Collins, CO
Date TBA
IN NATURE , new live solo performance
Friday Evening “After Hours” Courtyard Concerts
Ft Collins Museum, 5-7 p.m.
2—Mathews St. ( 2 blocks from Old Town, In Library Square)
Info and tickets: kdoyle@fcgov.com or call 970.221.9768
For other exciting didgeridoo related events and performances visit www.laoutback.com
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