Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New LA Outback Didgeridoo Blog Location

Hello world! We've moved!

For those who haven't checked out our new location for our didgeridoo blog be sure to jump on over and have a look. The address for the new LA Outback Didgeridoo Blog is and you can now keep up with the latest updates from us there. We decided to host our own blog in Wordpress as it gives us much more control over the look and feel of our posts, plus great tools on the backend.

We've already posted some pretty cool articles including news on our didgeridoo lessons on Skype, an interview with Alex Suarez on didgeridoo and sleep apnea, LA Outback's 15 year anniversary in the didgeridoo community, and much more.

Hope you enjoy the new didgeridoo posts at LA Outback's blog and feel free to leave comments on articles you find interesting. We enjoy getting your feedback.